Mass HaVoK [MSHVK]

Lord of Worlds Alliance [LORDE]

CEOShadowWeaver TrensariTax rate0.10000000149012%
Alliance Lord of Worlds AllianceHeadquarters

Alliance history

Mass HaVoKLord of Worlds Alliance2022-02-03 00:542025-03-05 18:413 years, 1 month, 2 days, 17 hours and 47 minutes
Mass HaVoKLord of Worlds Alliance2018-09-04 21:322022-02-03 00:543 years, 4 months, 29 days, 3 hours and 22 minutes
Mass HaVoKLiterally Triggered2018-05-17 13:192018-09-04 21:323 months, 18 days, 8 hours and 13 minutes
Mass HaVoKKAOS Unlimited2015-02-07 15:152018-05-17 13:193 years, 3 months, 9 days, 22 hours and 4 minutes
Mass HaVoKKAOS Unlimited2014-12-30 23:172015-02-07 15:151 month, 7 days, 15 hours and 58 minutes
Mass HaVoKBlackwatch.2014-06-02 01:382014-12-30 23:176 months, 28 days, 21 hours and 39 minutes
u'CEO/Diplo: ShadowWeaver Trensari

We are a Nullsec corp and member of Lordes of the World Alliance.

We are looking for new players and experienced players. We cover all industries and professions. US and EU welcome.

We battle and war along side our allies. MSHVK on field, tackle is locked.

Congrats you made our shit list:
Snake Pliiskin (AWOXER)
Picard Junior (AWOXER)

\u272a '



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